Anaesthesia at a Glance


Regional Anaesthesia, Stimulation, and Ultrasound Techniques

Regional anaesthesia is used across specialties within anaesthesia, and is a rapidly growing sub-specialty. This new handbook covers both traditional and ultrasound guided techniques, concentrating on the differences between them. Offering readers a comprehensive overview for clinical practice, it includes paediatric and acute pain applications. Each topic covers anatomy, contraindications, landmark/US settings, technique, complications, and clinical notes. Discrete sections on pharmacology, principles, and training further the book’s use for teaching purposes.

It will appeal to both trainees and consultants in regional anaesthesia, as well as anaesthetic nurses and anaesthetic practitioners. Presented in the Oxford Specialist Handbook series, it offers practical advice as well as background information in a convenient pocket-sized title.

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Anaesthesia at a Glance

Anaesthesia at a Glance is a brand new title that provides a concise and visually-orientated summary of a comprehensive lecture course in anaesthesia. Ideal for clinical undergraduate medical students and Foundation Programme doctors undertaking anaesthesia attachments, it gives a systematic, broad view of anaesthesia in various specialties, taking the reader through preparation, management and the pharmacology behind anaesthetic medicine.

Anaesthesia at a Glance is supported by a companion website at containing interactive multiple-choice questions and answers together with a selection of interactive cases – perfect for study and revision.

Whether you want to refresh your knowledge or need a thorough overview of the specialty, Anaesthesia at a Glance presents all the vital clinical information you need.

This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days.

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