This book provides a concise and practical guide for Non-Physician Anaesthesia Providers (NPAPs) such as nurse anaesthetists and Non-Specialist Physicians working in remote settings. In many hospitals in low and even in some middle-income countries, nurse anaesthetists are working without the presence of a specialist anaesthesiologist at their hospital. During their training on the job or at one of the few schools of anaesthesia they have to act as improvising do-it-yourself-teachers for one another. Later in their professional life, NPAPs are often organising their continuous medical education themselves, trying to provide short presentations on topics between attending to patients. This book fills the need for a quick- to-read guide for the everyday work of NPAPs and Non-specialist physician anaesthesia providers, addressing challenges such as electricity failure, lack of technical support, drugs and materials, equipment and support of specialist anaesthesiologists.
Anaesthesia in Remote Hospitals: A Guide for Anaesthesia Providers covers the most important fields of anaesthesia in a typical district or referral hospital in a place where resources are limited. It provides many useful tables with doses of drugs, sizes of airway equipment, infusion rate, examples of observation charts and anaesthesia records. Nurse Anaesthetists, Clinical Officers and Resident Physicians will find this book to be an essential guide to Anaesthesia within low resource and remote settings.
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