Nanozymes in Medicine (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, 72) 1st ed


Nanozymes in Medicine (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, 72) 1st ed

This​ book reviews the latest advances and biomedical applications of nanozymes, which are artificial nanomaterials exhibiting enzymatic properties similar to natural enzymes, but with less limitations than natural enzymes. Nanozymes display advantages such as facile synthesis, easy surface modification, improved stability, higher catalytic power, and target-specific binding. Nanozymes containing metals, metal oxides, carbon, and metal sulfide are actually used for cancer therapy, biomolecules sensing, bioimaging, disease diagnostics and diabetes management. The book discloses underlying mechanisms, concepts, recent trends, constraints, and prospects for nanomedicine using nanozymes.

Nanozymes in Medicine (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World 72) 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


Nanozymes in Medicine (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, 72) 1st ed

This​ book reviews the latest advances and biomedical applications of nanozymes, which are artificial nanomaterials exhibiting enzymatic properties similar to natural enzymes, but with less limitations than natural enzymes. Nanozymes display advantages such as facile synthesis, easy surface modification, improved stability, higher catalytic power, and target-specific binding. Nanozymes containing metals, metal oxides, carbon, and metal sulfide are actually used for cancer therapy, biomolecules sensing, bioimaging, disease diagnostics and diabetes management. The book discloses underlying mechanisms, concepts, recent trends, constraints, and prospects for nanomedicine using nanozymes.

Nanozymes in Medicine (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World 72) 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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