Equine Stud Farm Medicine & Surgery 1st Edition
Equine Stud Farm Medicine and Surgeryis a practical, hands-on guide to all aspects of equine reproduction and breeding. Introductory chapters review the key aspects of stud farm design and equine nutrition as they effect the health of horses and foals, and are followed by detailed chapterson the stallion, mare, conception, parturition and the health of the foal.Both medicine and surgery is covered in detail, and Equine Stud Farm Medicine and Surgery is full of colour and black and white illustrations to assist the veterinarian with the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions relevant to equine reproduction.
- Fully international perspective on equine reproduction from North American, European and Australasian authors and contributor
All aspects of equine stud farm medicine covered, from clinical examination and diagnosis to medical and surgical treatment
- practical, hands-on guidance of surgical procedures and treatment options
Comprehensive chapters on stallion, mare and foal
- All common and most rare conditions discussed in detail
Useful appendix of drugs used in equine stud medicine
- Full of colour and black and white illustrations
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